Tuesday 28 September 2010

Trip To Nottingham (16th September 2010)

During my trip to Nottingham i visited a range of galleries but the gallery i liked in particular was called "Castle Galleries". This gallery was pretty small but i managed to find a photographer called " Eve Arnold" which i really liked in particular as shes best known for photographing Marilyn Monroe. I came across a modern styled painter called " Louise Dear" i found her work interesting as her inspiration came from 18th century japanese artsists of the floating world as well as their influence from Art Nouveau from the 20th century.

Eve Arnold

Eve Arnold
In the frame The Misfits
This is a picture i've taken of her work, i chose this as this classic style of black and white photograph, creates an old vintage look looking at it today. Shes created this classic timeless pose of her casually posing in a well fitted outfit to go with her shoulder length curled hair.

Eve Arnold
Over and Out

This is another piece of her work which i came across when looking at her work through google images, i chose this one in particular as it documents her smiling away into the distance as if shes looking at someone while the photo is being taken. I like how natural and real this photo is as it captures that natural essence within it.

Eve Arnold
USA Illonois, Chicago

 This photo shows Marilyn inside a washroom at Chicago airport fixing her hair as well as freshing her self up as she waits for a plane to Champaign, Illinois. I love how Eve has captured an ordinary moment, which showcases that even though shes famous she still does the odrinary things regular people do such as taking care of themselves instead of relying on other people to do it fort them. I find it interesting how she uses black and white to create these classic Marilyn Monroe photographs as well as using colour, i prefered her Marilyn Monroe photographs in black and white as it suited the style of the photographs more. In contrast to fashion the idea of classic styles seen in Eve Arnold's work influence designers within their work today as classic styles from the past are taken on board and then interpreted in a more modern day look which is more wearable for people today.

Louise Dear

Here are two pieces of Louises work i've chosen from her collection of paintings.

Louise Dear
Yum Yum
Media used: mixed media
gloss paint
and copper leaf on aluminium

Yum Yum IV
Media Used: mixed media
gloss paint
and copper leaf on aluminium

I've chosen these two pictures in particular as i find her work unique as she has so much goin on within these paintings it suits the style and texture of the painting as its very colourful which makes it stand out. This painting reminds me of a modern day pop art styled painting as Andy warhol used loads of colour within his own work to make it stand out, which i think is really effective. In connection with fashion by using or having something that stands makes the garment more interesting and out there.

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