Monday 16 May 2011

Interdisciplinary Week 3 and 4 Concept and Design Development

Concept(Ideas Sheets)

My concept is based on the idea of a flat pack garment, which appears to be flat and then opens out into a full length garment. In order to understand the design behind me concept i've been working on a stand in order to think of ways of how i want my garment to look like as well as how it will be designed.

For this sheet i thought about designing some garment by using my sample on a stand as inspiration, to creating these three designs above that come away from the body and inform the idea of it being a 3d garment that's not really fitted.

For this sheet i used a hexagon shape from my research and though about manipulating the shape in many ways as possible and thought about placing it straight on the body as you can see. I feel these sort of ideas support what i want my garment to look like as something that comes away form the body, interesting as a flat pack garment to the customer. 

For this sheet i thought about the small sample i created on the stand didn't really create a full garment idea, instead i took what i had created and then ended up creating something that was too flat and fitted. This design idea didn't support my concept of it being flat pack and not so fitted to the body.

Interdisciplinary Process Research

Performative Geometrics Research

Here are some pictures of examples of my performative geometrics research i felt best supported this theme. I looked at geometric pattern, as well as building that resembled geometric shapes and 3d sculptured pieces. I started off by picking out elements of shapes i thought would strongly represent geometric shapes through 2d drawing, using the idea of photocopying my drawing to create 3d folded structured samples.

Construct/De construct Research

For reconstruct/de-construct i looked into buildings, things that had been taken apart such as brick walls, sculptures and so on. I then thought about taken the outline shape and taking it apart and putting it back together by cutting it up, which created a new shape that represented this theme.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Interdisciplinary Week 1 and 2 Performative Geometric and De-construct/Reconstruct workshop

Performative Geometric Workshop

For the workshop i was given the shapes circle and stars. I used mainly star shape as it was more interesting that using circles as it would just look the same.

For these samples i overlapped and enlarged star shapes on photo shop, which i then cut out and folded. I arranged the star shapes i created onto a mannequin to inform garment shape ideas.

De-construct/Reconstruct workshop

For this workshop we were given a wide range of images that we had to respond to with the questions being asked about images we would choose. I then had to sit with someone i didn't usually sit with and talk about the image to them. I felt that this workshop helped in way of how to respond to images that informed and represented the de-construct/reconstruct theme. 

These images above are of pages i did on de-construct/reconstruct, where i took a bag apart and a top apart. I then thought about how i could put it back together in different ways to create interesting ways of putting it back together as well as creating shape and texture as you can see.

Friday 13 May 2011

PPD 1 Working with 3rd Year as an assistant

Wednesday 27th April 2011

* Traced around the front and back trouser pattern, which i then straightened off and then added a 1 cm to the bottom of the front and back trouser pattern. I then cut out the new trouser pattern i adjusted.

*Next i traced around the trouser pocket patterns, which i then adjusted slightly by adding about 1cm seam allowance along the curved line of the trouser pocket. I then traced and the new pocket pattern and then cut it out.

*Next i pinned the front and back trousers pattern onto the folded fabric and then cut out two pieces for the front and two pieces for the back of the trousers. I pinned down the pattern piece for the pockets onto the fabric and cut out four pieces to make two pockets for the trousers.

Wednesday 4th May 2011

*Added a 1cm seam allowance to the bottom of the front and back pattern.

*Pinned front and back coat pattern to the folded wool fabric and pinned down the collar pattern onto the wool as well. I then cut around the pattern carefully and accurately.

*Next i pinned down the front and back coat pattern onto the floral printed lining for the coat. I added a 2cm seam allowance onto the lining before i cut it out. I then pinned down the pockets onto the floral lining and cut out 4 pieces for the two pockets.

*I traced around a body suit up to the waistline for the front and back of the bodysuit. I then added a 1cm seam allowance all the way round as this would be a pattern for high-waisted pants.  

*Last of all i sewed finished lining for the inside neck and wrist on the jumpers to create a professionally finish, neatly hand sewed the lining on.

 This is the coat pattern pieces that were pinned onto the wool fabric.

This is what the wool coat pieces looked like after i had cut them out.

 These are the coat lining pieces i cut out and the pockets i cut out as well.

 Here you can see the added 2cm seam allowance i added onto the lining on the coat.

Above shows all the pieces i cut out on top of each for the lining of the coat.

These three pictures below are of the three patterns for the collar of the coat i cut out.

Wednesday 11th May 2011

*Went into town for my third year to look for suit covers for her.

*Sewed buttons onto a chiffon shirt and 3 pairs of trousers.

What I've learnt

During the three weeks of being an assistant i quite enjoyed it as it was straight forward even though you were on your feet all day sewing, pattern cutting or running errands. I felt it that you had to be quite fast past in order to complete tasks you were given. By having this experience of being an assistant helped me to understand the sort of things involved with it as well as feeling more confident in pattern cutting with new materials i'm not familiar with. I also feel confident being able to use a pattern master properly to adjust measurement that are on angles on  patterns.