Sunday 15 May 2011

Interdisciplinary Week 1 and 2 Performative Geometric and De-construct/Reconstruct workshop

Performative Geometric Workshop

For the workshop i was given the shapes circle and stars. I used mainly star shape as it was more interesting that using circles as it would just look the same.

For these samples i overlapped and enlarged star shapes on photo shop, which i then cut out and folded. I arranged the star shapes i created onto a mannequin to inform garment shape ideas.

De-construct/Reconstruct workshop

For this workshop we were given a wide range of images that we had to respond to with the questions being asked about images we would choose. I then had to sit with someone i didn't usually sit with and talk about the image to them. I felt that this workshop helped in way of how to respond to images that informed and represented the de-construct/reconstruct theme. 

These images above are of pages i did on de-construct/reconstruct, where i took a bag apart and a top apart. I then thought about how i could put it back together in different ways to create interesting ways of putting it back together as well as creating shape and texture as you can see.

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