Saturday 19 February 2011

Creative Design Realisation: Week 3


Moulaging was another technique I learned which I thought was easy and straight forward. I placed a piece of calico onto the mannequin, which I then pinned in the darts and marked off sections using the mannequin as a guide line. The end result was really good as I managed to get an accurate calico piece which I then placed onto a piece of card and then drawn over it using a tracing wheel, which indented into the card. I then cut out the card i traced on as this would be my moulaged bodice block.

This is the calico moulage piece I created.

*Add image of moulage block*

Final Design idea and Final Garment

This is my final design i did in a flat drawing above.

Final Garment

These are just some photos of the final garment I made. I found it challenging to make as I had  to change measurements and add measurements, which meant I had to change my pattern pieces slightly as panels wouldn't align properly together with each other. In the end I managed to finally get the dress exactly how I wanted it by trying to sew it a number of times until I was happy with the result.

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