Saturday 5 November 2011

Year 2 Applied Fashion Design: Trend Book

Front of Trend Book:Embossed Text "Elements Spring/Summer '13 
As a group we decided on the idea of creating a concertina book.

All the pages in my trend book were A4 landscape. I created these pages on Adobe In Design, i found it hard to create my trend book but i soon got the hang of how to arrange my pages on In design so it would print off as a booklet.
Final mood board on first page of trend book.

My Colour Board and with Performance Fabric's selection. By having a wide range of fabrics on a page was to show my understanding of what fabrics are featured within the mens sport collection. This showed my understanding on what  fabrics are in season for spring/summer 13 men's sportwear.

Performance Fabric page with Flat drawings.

Double page flat drawings

Last Page of Flat drawings

Other side of book
At the back of the book it features six illustration done on cad featuring my six key outfits from my collection with the colour swatches to represent the the key colours within the outfits. Each page featured the back view of the six outfits close up.

At the end of this project i'm pleased with the final outcome of my trend book, i think its looks good and turned out the way i intended it to. In order to present it professional for the trend event next year i will change parts of my book by adding text onto pages, typed up sticky labels for the fabrics in order to present it as professionally as possible. I feel that this project has helped me understand how to create a trend and how to interpret it further by creating my trend book as the end product. As this was the first time i had created a trend book im confident in creating a trend book in further projects. It has helped me to understand what needs to be included within a trend book, and what sort of information is recommended to be included inside it.

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