Saturday 21 April 2012

Year 2 Design Realisation: Final Design & Technical Package

Technical Package

As part of this project another requirement was to produce a technical package, which you would send to a manufacture if you were to have your garments to be made abroad with all the instructions, specifications, patterns and lay plan.

Heres is the first page of my technical package that features the final design i decided to choose, which was a playsuit with a middle panel as you can see.

This page features the front and back size specifications from the neck width to the dart length. This is to enable that all size specifications are correct when this playsuit is being manufactured by other people abroad.
This page outlines all the detailed specifications that are featured on the front and back of the playsuit.

This page features a lay plan. The lay plan shows the patterns placed closely together on the fabric. This was done to ensure no fabric was wasted when it has to be cut out as well as showing how much fabric is needed to make this playsuit.

These are the recommended manufacturer instructions, outlining how to put this playsuit together once all the pieces have been cut out.
 This is the front of the pattern envelope that contains all the pattern pieces for this playsuit.

At the end of this project i had successful created a good technical package that featured detailed flats, patterns, lay plan and specifications. As this was the first time i have created a technical package, this has helped me to understand the work load i will take on board for third year. It has also made me aware of the skills i will need to take forward, in order to produce my range of technical packages for my third year collection. My research featured a wide range of sources that helped me to understand the market levels i had documented. My design development has improved a lot as i like working on the stand and then interpreting my samples into design ideas. I find working on the stand easier as it inspires me with so many ways of designing from one sample.

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