Monday 27 December 2010

Creative Approaches to Fashion: Week 2 Experimenting with different media to create illustrations

Experimenting with different media to create different illustration styles based on personal favourite outfits
 My task was to create a range of fashion illustrations using a range of different media to create different illustration styles in order to further development my drawing skills. By doing these tasks I’ve benefitted from it as it’s helped to identify and bring forward new and old techniques I’ve learnt and how i can stylise them into my own style of drawing fashion illustrations.
Here are a range of fashion illustrations i did during this session:
These are four of my favourite hand drawn fashion illustrations.
 Media: Fine liner and water to create textured effects on garments and to draw illustration.

Media: Used Fine liner and food colouring.

 Media: Used Fine liner.

Media: I used fine liner, paint and sewed on to the illustration to create interesting textures onto the garments.
These are the illustrations i decided to take forward by scanning them onto photoshop and changing the appearence of them such as changing the colour, adding layers and changing the filters.

Photoshop Illustrations

These are four of my favourite photoshop illustrations, I added filters, scanned in parts of images to create layers on to the illustration, changed the colours reversed colours to create neon coloured illustration.

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