Monday 27 December 2010

Creative Approches to Fashion: Week 4 Fabric Workshop

Fabric Manipulation Techniques

During week 4 i experemented and further developed my fabric manipulation techniques by creating samples based on my research to create possible garment shape ideas as well as texture.

These are some of the samples i created for my research using the new and old technqies i had learnt from the fabric workshop.

For this sample i tried creating pleats by creating button holes once i folded the fabric and sewed a button so the pleats would stay in place. I though it would be interesting using buttons to create pleats as it links in very well with my theme.

For this sample i thought about layering over curved shaped fabric strips by using buttons and button holes to hold the layered strips in place, i created a large sample which i arranged on a mannequin this gave me further garment shape ideas.

For this sample i thought about changing the overall shape i isolated by twisting it slightly, as well as creating pleats and sewing buttons onto it to hold the pleats in place. I thought this technique was interesting as it looked interesting in this satin material, which i used to create my sample.

For this sample i made button holes on the strips of fabrics and sewed buttons on so i could attach the strips of fabric together to create a diamond shaped outline as you can see form my sample above on my research page.

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